It's really odd for me to say but it needs to be said...
You learned how to breathe in a way that holds all your shit inside your body and ends up destroying you.
Ahh...I feel better, like I can breathe again...
It may sound harsh or arrogant or absolutely absurd...I mean, you are breathing right now, right?
And you are still alive, right?
But most of us are control freaks on this planet, and controlling the breath is one of the most subtle, yet powerful, tools we can master.
Or perhaps it is learning how to let go of control...
Let out a big sigh...
And YES that feels great, yet what I would like to really share with you is what happens when you start to cultivate a practice with your breath...
Get intimate with yourself and tune into your own natural breathing rhythms...
Only you can truly feel into what a natural breath cycle is for you - and to offer another reflection for you:
You breathe how you show up in life.
I've seen and experienced this for myself enough times to see how people who show up with passion and excitement are fully showing up in their breath sessions - and those who are just going through the motions of life...
Well...they fall asleep, forget they are breathing, hold their breath...
They are the ones I have to keep reminding to BREATHE!!!
Being with the breath is about presence.
You may have noticed I bring up presence quite a bit...
It's a simple reminder to bring you back here, now.
Coming back to the Initial Headline for this post - SPONTANEOUS BREATH CYCLES -
As I was feeling a lot of tension and constriction within my body...
I had a thought, "it would be so nice to breathe right now"
And not a moment after the thought passed through my awareness was I breathing in a connected, circular breath
And there is nothing I could really do except I've had similar experiences in the past since participating and living in a breathwork center in 2016, I've unlocked my breathing mechanism, and it is much easier for me to tap into this spontaneity...
One time I tried to resist - it wasn't a convenient time for me to go into a breath session...or at least that is what my ego told me.
It ended up almost killing me (it felt like it at the time...) - I ended up on the floor next to the toilet, barely able to get up for a drink of water.
I shared this with my breathwork partner, Anandi, and she shared with me similar stories of people who resisted the breath, and suffered greatly
I feel it is a great reflection for walking on the healing path - once you start this journey and see past the illusions of your old ways, to go back and pretend you're blind doesn't fool anyone.
The game is up.
However...the message that came through the other day was this:
Be gentle with yourself for not always being able to see beyond the veil. You weren't meant to see all the time...there would be nothing left for you to learn.
What is important is for you to integrate what you see in between the times of remembering...this is the work.
The space in between...
You are walking an incredible journey, thank you for walking it with me.
If you would like to tap into your own connected, circular breath, I'd love to invite you to Just Breath with me.
I'll see you there...